

Your reinsurance partner.

Tronvig work

After seeking to mount a global marketing campaign unsuccessfully for over a year, Tronvig’s signature Brand Pyramid and in-depth research broke the logjam by distilling an enduring Brand Idea rooted in the company name of PartnerRe.


  • Brand strategy
  • Internal brand research
  • Brand messaging

“Thanks to all our work together and the Brand Pyramid, our global marketing finally has a solid foundation and direction. We’ve come an amazingly long way in the last 5 months!”

Cecilia Powell / Chief Communications Officer, PartnerRe


PartnerRe is a $6.5 billion global insurance company with financial operations on five continents. Their marketing team were struggling to get executive leadership to green light creative for a global brand campaign. The incumbent New York agency had proposed a series of campaign concepts for over a year and none had achieved buy-in from executive leadership, leading to internal frustration. Tronvig was brought in to resolve the issue and lay the strategic foundation for the global advertising campaign.



PartnerRe successfully launched a multi-platform global brand campaign with the design executed by Agenda NYC. The Brand Idea and core brand platform that we established continue to serve as the bedrock of the organizational brand and its messaging. We also updated the value proposition and backed it up with adjustments to the organization’s global operational practice.


Working with the global marketing team with buy-in from the CEO, Tronvig guided PartnerRe back to its roots, which had been blurred by a series of business acquisitions. Updating the Core Values and establishing “Partnership” as the Brand Idea, the organization adjusted its operations to support this position and rolled it out successfully within six months of our engagement.

Brand Pyramid

We diagnosed the problem as a lack of agreement on the basic principles with which the campaign could be evaluated and the absence of a coherent Brand Idea for the company. In our initial workshop with the executive management team, we established that the organizational Brand Idea should be “Partnership.” Remarkably, this idea, which is inherent in the company name, had been lost in the confusion of product diversification and acquisitions.

1. What is PartnerRe?

PartnerRe is a highly secure multi-market risk transfer partner with a long-term view.

2. How does PartnerRe deliver its benefits?


3. Why? (Emotional drivers)


4. Core Values


5. Brand Idea

Partnership (Be a true partner)

The brand strategy based on partnership served as the foundation for a global marketing campaign that was distributed in 2014–15 and it supplied the principal concept for the campaign. All creative vendors for the company now had a solid brand rubric to assess any tactical activity and the company could work to operationalize both the brand strategy and Core Values across the globe. More generally, it allowed communications and human resources initiatives to become unstuck. The Brand Pyramid findings were also applied to the global website in 2014, facilitating a dramatic shift from talking about features and attributes to customer-focused benefits based on their newly clarified Brand Idea.


  • Value proposition update
  • Brand repositioning
  • Brand consulting
  • Internal brand research in North America, Asia, Europe, and Latin America
  • PartnerRe