
Consumer Directed Choices

Friendly, helpful people who answer phones.

Consumer Directed Choices, a home health care agency with a best-in-category service offer headquartered in Albany, New York, saw an opportunity in expanding their service area into New York City and the surrounding counties. To do this they knew they would need to overhaul and upgrade their advertising campaign.


  •  Advertising
  • Branding
  • Customer research
  • Market research
  • Marketing strategy
  • Marketing targets clarification
  • Digital marketing
  • Copywriting
  • Website redesign & development
  • SEO strategy

“Tronvig is refreshingly open and forthright with everything, and incredibly proactive in doing what is best for the campaign in support of our business goals. The results are in. Since they came on board we have shattered all our past records and blown past our annual targets!”

Marian Eck / Marketing and Outreach Supervisor, Consumer Directed Choices


Consumer Directed Choices (CD Choices) came to Tronvig initially for market research to assess the feasibility of an expansion of their service area into New York City and the surrounding counties.

Our research finding served as the basis of a brand refresh and an advertising campaign focused on new consumer acquisition in a new market for them.


The New York City market has proved fertile and the research findings that helped to greenlight the campaign have been validated by prospect behavior. The campaign has garnered the best referral numbers in the organization’s history as it continues to build momentum and show measurable results in excess of the ambitious business targets set for the sales team.


In light of the organizational business goal of moving into New York’s largest market, Tronvig’s market research revealed a high level of dissatisfaction with the current roster of fiscal intermediaries serving New York City. This gave our advertising campaign the perfect opening for a pitch to switch, offering a best-in-class alternative to the rather “Brazil” like status quo.

Brand Pyramid (Advertising Brief)

An exhibition Brand Pyramid was developed in workshops.

1. What is CD Choices?

An alternative to traditional home care helping individuals with disabilities and the elderly stay independent in their own homes and community, giving you the freedom and the tools to choose your own caregivers and their rate of pay.

2. How does CD Choices deliver value differently from the competition for PA candidates?

  • Sign-on bonus and weekly pay
  • Benefits (paid time off, time and a half on holidays)
  • Pay for initial and annual health assessment
  • Workforce Recruitment Portal

3. Why?

I want …

  • good communication/ good customer service
  • a person to talk to
  • employees paid accurately and on time
  • to be able to offer the best pay rate possible
  • a PA to start as soon as possible
  • to hire reliable care
  • PAs who speak my language (Spanish, Russian)

I want (if family/designated representative) …

  • a reliable backup PA
  • to keep my relative at home
  • quality/personalized/safe care
  • insurance that will cover enough time
  • to get an evaluation that would allow me to get out of a nursing home


  • Not being able to hire a PA, not having care
  • Being overwhelmed by paperwork
  • Being an employer
  • PA won’t show up
  • Being taken advantage of
  • Being able to screen appropriately
  • Losing a good PA because of the long hiring process
  • Not having a PA that is located near where I live
  • Unreliable PA
  • Losing PA because of the pay rate
  • Being in a facility/nursing home
  • Being denied additional hours
  • Difficulty using EVV systems

4. Core Values


5. Brand Idea

Your home. Your care. Your way.


Once we had identified their target audiences, for both caregiver recipients and providers, we set out to develop a digital marketing campaign that clearly and concisely addressed their needs. With the help of our powerhouse media buying partner, DCW, we were able to efficiently and effectively serve ads to both audiences, through programmatic and social media advertising with the campaign goal of introducing Consumer Directed Choices to the NYC market while also maintaining a solid brand presence in the Hudson Valley and Upstate New York.

“From careful research through to all aspects of creative, production and meticulous reporting, Tronvig and DCW are a seamless extension of our team. They are all in, using all their formidable talents and resources to achieve our shared goals.”

Hongwei Zhang / Senior Vice President of Operations, Consumer Directed Choices


Helen Keller Intl. is now engaging, keeping and attracting donors who are giving more—consistent with a growth strategy launched in 2021 that aligns with the new brand. From around $4M in unrestricted funds when starting the brand work, they are now raising over $6M in unrestricted funds a year.

They have seen enthusiastic organization-wide buy-in, organizational growth, and transformation from the ground up.


increase in lead count, resulting in record-breaking monthly referral totals


of all Salesforce leads positively matched to paid advertising


increase in website users compared to prior 3-month period