
Metropolitan College of New York

“I’ve worked with higher education service providers and marketing agencies for more than 10 years at both large public institutions and small private colleges. In my role at Metropolitan College of New York, our team was able to bring the Tronvig onboard to replace a former agency partnership. The stark difference in the approach that Tronvig provides is apparent from the first conversation. They focus on the thinking and intention behind every creative element. This ensures alignment with our brand strengths while allowing us to test new creative options in a targeted way. James and the team also understand the nature of higher education politics and what’s important to prospective students. Our team and senior leadership both continue to be thoroughly impressed by their work and we look forward to having a successful ongoing partnership!”
– Ken Cutts, Director of Enrollment Marketing, Metropolitan College of New York
“In the very short time we’ve worked together you’ve already proven to the college how much value, care, and attention you bring to every project. Of interest, not once have you ever said “NO” and you’ve always found a way to shape our creative direction. And the places we’ve been able to be active (again in a short time) is truly amazing!”
– Ken Cutts, Director of Enrollment Marketing, Metropolitan College of New York

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