
Burgundy Asset Management

“I like how you have done this. Your recommendations are clear, profound in their implications and immediately actionable. It’s amazing how deeply you have been able to understand our company from your brand workshops and 10 client interviews.”
– Anne Maggisano, CFA, Vice President, Burgundy Asset Management
“I want you to know that it happened just as you predicted. The culture and value system became so strong and desired by the majority of the senior leadership that an immune response reaction occurred; the obvious foreign entity was rejected in the end.

What you do is powerful stuff.”

– Anne Maggisano, CFA, Vice President, Burgundy Asset Management
“You empowered people to start a movement. You gave people a framework with which to go up the ladder. That happened en masse and had a decisive impact.”
– Robert Sankey, CEO, Burgundy Asset Management

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We are kind, thorough and ready when you are. You just need to ask.